Grammar School

The focus of Grammar School (PK-4th Grade) learning is mastery of foundational learning skills using classical teaching methodologies such as narration, chanting, liturgies, movement, and story.  The student’s day is biblically integrated from morning to afternoon as teachers facilitate discussions that point students to truth, goodness, and beauty in all subjects.  Aesthetically pleasing classrooms full of great books allow students to experience...
 ...a calm and joyful day of learning. 

"This school method was a blessing in that it causes the student to not just race through work to get it done but to "slow down," dig deep, and ask the most important questions involved in learning: Why? How? Support your reasons. Apply the information. This is creating the most thorough, comprehensive and well rounded education. Coupled with a sincere and in depth love for the Lord and focus on His truth, knowledge on a daily basis is transformed to the ultimate goal: wisdom."
~ Grammar parent

Grammar students attend core classes on either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday.  Kindergarten -4th graders have the opportunity to participate in a variety of exciting Friday electives designed to enrich and supplement student learning. 


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