Collin County | Plano

CDA Collin County is a classical Christian school in Plano, established in 2004. The Collin County Campus currently serves over 610 students attending grades PreK through 12.


Students in grades PreK-4 are at the grammar stage of learning with a focus on breaking new concepts down to the required fundamental skills or facts and mastering them through memorizing jingles, chants, and songs. Read More..


Students in grades 5-8 are moving through the Logic stage of learning.  During this stage, they study the relationship of facts they learned at the grammar stage and how they fit or work together. Read More..


Students in grades 9-12 are striving to master the Rhetoric stage of learning.  This stage requires students to articulate their learning through oral and written expression. Read More..


Grammar, Logic and High School students and teachers have chapel services once a month. The purpose of chapel is to bring students together for a time of corporate worship and a message that focuses on the greatness of God and His work in our lives in a way that would be applicable to Coram Deo students. This time is designed to heighten our awareness of Christ and integrate Him more into our everyday lives.

Parent Community

In Collin County we have several ways for parents to be involved and build community with the teachers and each other.  The best way to do this is through the PTF, Parent Teacher Fellowship.  The PTF serves CDA in three primary ways.  First, they serve as a volunteer base for many of the activities that happen in the classrooms, such as Room Moms, class parties, and Hot Lunch service.  Secondly, they help equip the school through fundraising.  They strive to make our fundraisers fun for the students, but also easy on the parents.  Our most successful is the Hot Lunch program.  We use caterers, like Chick-fil-A, that the children like, and the parents look forward to not having to make a lunch one day a week!  Lastly, and most importantly, our PTF organizes a monthly prayer meeting to pray for the school – students, faculty and administrators.  If you are an enrolled family at the Collin County campus, you are already a member of the PTF, so come and join us!

Collin County Admission Events

List of 2 events.

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Collin County Campus Events

List of 3 events.

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Collin County Campus News

List of 5 news stories.

  • CDA Collin County performs at the TPSMEA All-Region Choir Concert

    This Saturday evening, 6 CDA rhetoric students performed in the TPSMEA All-Region Choir Concert at Trinity Christian Academy.  Tate C., Evan J., & Georgia K. sang in the Mixed Ensemble, and Kara J., Sydney M., & Julia N. sang in the Treble Choir.  Congratulations to these singers for a beautiful concert of wonderful music!
  • CDA Collin County Chess Team Wins 1st Place in Tournament

    The CDA Chess Collin County Chess Team continues to find success across the board. On Saturday November 23rd, the CDA Chess team competed in their third Chess Team Tournament of the school year. The CDA Chess Team had 13 players attend and was led by Chess Club President and Chess Captain Jediah Y. along with fellow Rhetoric student Ezra S., Andrew B., Cooper H., TJ G., Edison M., Jonathan W., Dylan H., Caspian W., Ethan L., James E., all participated from Logic, and George B. and Dax E. represented Grammar.
  • CDA Collin County Chess Team Finishes 3rd in Team Tournament

    The CDA Chess team just competed in their second team tournament of the 2024-2025 season this past Saturday. Our chess team for this tournament was led by Rhetoric student and Chess Club President Jedidiah Yeh, alongside Logic students Vera Lim, Braxton Hammett and Boston Collins. The CDA Chess team finished in 3rd place out of 8 teams. In addition, Boston Collins won a spirit award for his fantastic Skeleton Costume. Great job CDA Chess in winning the second team trophy of the year! 
  • CDA Collin County Cross Country Girls Team Places 2nd in TAPPS Meet

    Our Cross-Country team made a big splash in its entry to the 4A division this season, with all the girls team placing 2nd overall at the TAPPS State Championship Meet.
  • Collin County Volleyball Team Serves Community

    The high school volleyball team used part of their practice time yesterday to make blessing bags for the homeless. Players brought in things like waters, socks, applesauce, granola bars, Tuna packets, and more to put in the bags. They decorated the outside of each bag with an encouraging message and included a handwritten note in addition to a gospel tract. We're excited to hand these bags out to individuals we encounter in the community as well as distribute them through a nonprofit organization called Just Because, which distributes goods to the homeless in our city.

Contact Us

(469) 854-1300
9645 Independence Parkway; Plano, TX 75025

Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm 

Grammar:  7:55 am - 2:25 pm (M/W or T/Th)
Logic:   8:05 am - 3:45 pm (M/W or T/Th)
Rhetoric:   8:05 am - 2:45 pm (M/W or T/Th)

* NOTE: Friday class times depend on electives selected.  After school electives are also available

If a Late Start is declared due to weather, the following schedules will be used:
Core Days   OR   Fridays

List of 12 members.

  • Photo of Robin Scott

    Robin Scott 

    Collin County Headmaster
  • Photo of Stephanie Garland

    Stephanie Garland 

    Collin County Grammar Principal
  • Photo of Nathan Hudler

    Nathan Hudler 

    Collin County Logic Principal
  • Photo of Jason Stults

    Jason Stults 

    Collin County Rhetoric Principal
  • Photo of Joda Crow

    Joda Crow 

    Collin County Admissions Coordinator
  • Photo of Rhonda Messick

    Rhonda Messick 

    Collin County Administrative Assistant
  • Photo of Jennifer Dickinson

    Jennifer Dickinson 

    Collin County Administrative Assistant
  • Photo of Drew Armstrong

    Drew Armstrong 

    Collin County Dean of Students; Rhetoric English, Theology & Electives
  • Photo of Kristine Van Zeeland

    Kristine Van Zeeland 

    College Guidance - CC
  • Photo of Mike Walta

    Mike Walta 

    Co-Athletic Director; LS/RS Math - CC
  • Photo of Hailey Tongkeamha

    Hailey Tongkeamha 

    Co-Athletic Director/Head Volleyball/PE
  • Photo of Karli Scottow

    Karli Scottow 

    Communications Coordinator - CC


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