Fees & Policies

List of 7 items.

  • Book Fees for Core Classes with In-Class Distribution or Online Textbooks

    All students in grades with core classes that have book fees for classroom distributed materials and online textbooks will be billed for those fees at the time of enrollment/reenrollment. The cost of the book or materials will be listed on both the enrollment covenant and the annual book list. Core classes with an option will be billed through the elective process when parents select the core option. These classes include Rhetoric School (high school) language, 11th and 12th grade science and 12th grade math. If a student withdraws from a core class that has a book fee prior to the first day of class, the book fee will be refunded. If they withdraw after the first day of class, the book fee will be non-refundable.
  • Campus or Program Change/Transfer Fee

    All transfer requests for a program (Mon/Wed, Tues/Thur) or campus change require administration approval.

    No Change Fee is assessed for transfers requested during Priority Reenrollment. If the transfer request is made after the Priority Reenrollment period, a $250 Change Fee is assessed to cover the administrative costs of such a change. 
  • Electives Policy

    CDA electives are available at the published rate. Elective Drop Fees and Change Fees apply to all students.

    Coram Deo Academy makes contractual commitments to faculty, staff and facilities prior to the start of the new school year. Early registration assists the school in making wise decisions and preparing for our elective program. Therefore, the following policies are in place for all electives except summer and athletics:
    Dates (prior to the new school year)
    Drop/Change Fee
    Refund Policy
    Priority Elective Registration: Jan. 5-15
    No charge
    Full refund
    Jan. 16 - July 31
    $25 per change 
    $50 per drop
    Full refund less change/drop fees
    Aug. 1 - end of school year
    $50 change fee*
    No drop fee/ no refund

    *For any elective changes after August 1, if the old elective is less expensive than the new elective, the family will be charged the difference between the two electives in addition to the $50 Change Fee. If the old elective is more expensive than the new elective, families WILL NOT receive a refund of the difference, but the Change Fee will be waived.

    For summer and athletic electives, refunds for dropped electives are available up to the start of the elective. Families may be charged for any supplies, uniforms, etc. that were purchased for the student prior to the date the elective was dropped.

    Any drops or changes in a student’s elective will need to be completed by CDA staff. All requests should be sent to your principal or designated staff member via email. Adjustments to your billing account may take up to two weeks.

    If an elective is cancelled, families will be contacted to see if they want to choose another elective without a Change Fee or a full refund of the cancelled elective.

    For all-year electives added after the first quarter, the elective cost will be prorated as follows:
      • Added in Quarter 1: Not prorated
      • Added in Quarter 2: 75% of published elective rate
      • Added in Quarter 3: 50% of published elective rate
      • Added in Quarter 4: 25% of published elective rate
    Book fees for classroom distributed materials and online textbooks will be billed through elective registration. The cost of the book or materials will be listed on the annual book list. Classes without a Friday component will be billed for any book fees in August. If a student withdraws from a core class that has a Book Fee prior to the first day of class, the Book Fee will be refunded. If the withdrawal occurs after the first day of class, the Book Fee will be non-refundable.
    Families select core classes through elective registration when there are class options such as language and some science at the Rhetoric School (high school) level. Any changes in core option classes are not subject to a change fee. 
    Any changes in core option classes are not subject to an elective change or drop fee but cost for CDA provided books associated with core class will not be refunded after July 31.

    Students in Rhetoric School have 6 core classes during their core days.  They are eligible for an additional core class at no additional cost.  Generally, the additional core class is Fridays as follows:
    Core Class
    Biology Lab
    Chemistry Lab
    Pre-Calculus (optional)
    AP/DC Calculus Lab or DC Physics (optional)
    Students may not substitute the free core class for an elective including those required for graduation such as Fine Arts and Athletics.
  • Financial Aid

    CDA utilizes the secure online services of FAST from Independent School Management (ISM) to process financial aid applications. FAST provides our school with a need-based financial analysis, allowing us to allocate our resources wisely and fairly. All information from FAST regarding a family’s request for financial assistance is kept confidential.

    2024-2025 Financial Aid has been fully allocated.

    Applications for 2025-2026 financial assistance will open in November for both current (reenrolling) and new families in an all new mobile-friendly FAST Family Application Portal. Please note the following key dates:
    • Between Nov. 15 and Dec. 15, submit the FAST application with the $60 application fee for consideration in the first round of Financial Aid offers.
    • Late December: first round of Financial Aid notifications.
    • Current families will have their award decisions before Priority Reenrollment ends (Dec. 15, 2024 - Jan. 15, 2025).
    • First-time enrolling families will receive Financial Aid notifications prior to February admissions decisions.
    • Additional Financial Aid rounds may be offered as funds allow.
    • Please note, only partial tuition awards are made according to this need-based analysis; no full tuition awards are available.
    • Split Class Schedule Fee

      Students in grades 9-12 requesting a split schedule (classes on both M/W and T/Th) will be assessed a $250 Split Class Schedule Fee to cover the administrative costs of creating the customized schedules. Campus Administration may limit the options for these split schedules based upon class capacity and balancing of sections.
    • Tuition Insurance Plan

      The Tuition Insurance Plan is designed to protect a portion of the tuition investment for families who have enrolled and paid partial tuition, but find themselves unable to attend Coram Deo Academy for one of the following reasons:
        • A move greater than 50 miles from a CDA campus*
        • A death in the immediate family
        • A major illness in the immediate family
        • A job loss
      * Proof of move will need to be provided to CDA before the Tuition Insurance Plan can be applied to your account.  Documentation in the form of a utility bill, contract or lease, will be acceptable.

      Families enrolled in the Tuition Insurance Plan pay 1.8% of core tuition which will be added to the total tuition bill. Participation in the Tuition Insurance Plan is optional for families who pay annually or in two payments. Families who pay monthly must participate in the Tuition Insurance Plan.

      To begin the formal withdrawal process and activate reimbursement, please contact the Admissions Coordinator at your campus. Families meeting the Tuition Insurance Plan criteria, will receive a refund up to 60% of core tuition prorated for the number of days of school attended. This amount will be applied to any outstanding tuition balance and after meeting all financial obligations to the school, any additional amount will be refunded via check. Annual and two-payment families must decide on their participation in the program at the time of enrollment or reenrollment and cannot add coverage at a later date. Electives are not covered by the Tuition Insurance Plan.
      CDA incurs expenses for faculty, staff, and facilities on an annual basis and must fulfill its obligations. Therefore, the academy cannot afford to refund tuition or cancel unpaid obligations if a student is withdrawn for other reasons than those covered by the Tuition Insurance Plan. Your financial obligation to CDA is for the full annual tuition as stated in the enrollment covenant.

      Payment Plan Changes
      CDA offers payment options of payment in full, payment in two payments, and a monthly installment plan (families choose one payment option for all students in their family). The Tuition Insurance Plan is optional for the one and two payment plans. Individuals choosing to pay their tuition in full need to elect whether or not they want to purchase the Tuition Insurance Plan at the time of enrollment. They cannot change their election at the later date.  Families choosing to make their tuition payment in two installments can elect to change from a two-payment plan (with or without the Tuition Insurance Plan) to monthly installments before the due date of their second payment. At that time, they will be required to add the Tuition Insurance Plan. If they did not have the Tuition Insurance Plan at the time of their first payment, only 50% of their tuition will be eligible for the Tuition Insurance Plan benefit, if needed. 
    • Withdrawal Policy

      Coram Deo Academy makes commitments to faculty, staff and facilities long before the start of a new school year. These annual obligations continue even if a child withdraws from the school. Therefore, when a student, either new or returning, enrolls by submitting an online Enrollment Covenant, the family has entered into a legally binding contract and owes tuition for the entire school year. This is not intended to cause hardship for any family but is a necessary provision to insure the financial solvency of the school.
      Current students whose family plans are uncertain (such as a pending job transfer out of the area) should take this policy into consideration prior to reenrolling. In some cases, it may be advisable to reenroll after Priority Reenrollment ends on January 15 and incur the $250 Late Reenrollment Fee rather than committing to the full year’s tuition. Please note, returning students who reenroll after the priority period may be placed in a Waiting Pool with new applicants.
      The Tuition Insurance Plan above may provide a safety-net for both CDA families and the school. Please read the program plan carefully as 100% refund is NOT available. This plan is designed to protect families in the case of a midyear job change or move.
      Should a change in circumstances necessitate retracting your child's enrollment, please let your principal know. An exit interview may be requested. To begin the formal withdrawal process, please contact the Admissions Coordinator at your campus.

      Please note, formally withdrawing does not release you from the contractual agreement established in the Enrollment Covenant. The full tuition amount is due according to the posted schedule and prior to the release of student records. All financial accounts must be settled through the business office before any official records or transcripts will be released.


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