Give the Gift of Christian Education

Barbara Rogers
Coram Deo Academy’s classrooms boldly proclaim the kingship of Jesus all year long! We see the Hand of God in the sciences and all creation. God’s truth is found in our history (His-Story), art, literature, and mathematics classes.

If you have already visited us and applied, we trust CDA’s commitment to classical Christian education has resonated with you! If you have just discovered our school, we invite you to apply and look forward to getting to know your family in the New Year. READ MORE for important details about the Dec. 15 application deadline and a fun reading list resource for Christmas gift ideas.
Please note: CDA offices will be closed for Christmas Break beginning December 20. Applications received over the holiday will be acknowledged when the staff returns on January 4.

Wishing your family a joyous Christmas and may the Lord's blessings be with you in the New Year.

Come to Bethlehem and see
Our God is born in lowly station
Come to Bethlehem and hear
The Angels sing in exultation
Honoring the ancient feast
A star appearing in the East
The shepherds leave their flocks at night
To guard the King of all creation
Come to Bethlehem and see
A baby lying in a manger
So that mankind shall be free
Our God is born in mortal danger
All the Angels have declared
A savior born
And mankind spared
So come to Bethlehem and see
Our God no longer is a stranger

We trust the Lord's hand is upon your family's educational plans. While some grade levels and program options (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs) may have limited availability due to returning student enrollment, CDA will continue to received new student applications after December 15 and limited Tuition Assistance will be available to first-time enrolling families. We look forward to connecting with you at a January Campus Preview

And finally, check out The Read Aloud Revival for fabulous book list recommendations and Christmas gift ideas.


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