Serving Those With Special Needs - Christopher Lampe

My academic career at Coram Deo Academy began six years ago in the first grade at the Dallas Campus. Over the years I have learned many important lessons.  I have grown spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically, all while being challenged and mentored by my loving teachers. Slowly over time, Coram Deo has been shaping me into a young man with Christian values.
I have had the opportunity to develop leadership skills, serve others, and cultivate an attitude of humility by being a part of the Lion Leadership Club. Activities such as packing food for Kids Against Hunger, volunteering at Brother Bill’s Helping Hand, and visiting elderly residents at Brookdale have all prepared me for my volunteer work with Capernaum. Capernaum is a Young Life outreach ministry for students and young adults with special needs. My first encounter with Capernaum was at a benefit concert held at our church. I knew I wanted to get involved immediately.

I started volunteering as a junior leader two years ago and fell in love with the ministry.  Every other week we have an outreach called Club where we play silly games, dance a lot, watch skits, and have lots of fun. The most important part of Club is when one of the leaders gives a talk from the Bible about Jesus and shares it with our friends.  Each summer our Young Life Capernaum group goes to camp.

This summer I was fortunate to attend camp with our group in North Carolina. It was basically Club everyday plus other camp activities like go-karts, swimming, archery tag, zip lines, and water volleyball. The week was awesome! Throughout the week I was able to serve our friends by helping them in any way they needed it. Each day I had the opportunity and responsibility to watch over our friends for a couple of hours while the other leaders were at a meeting. This was a fun yet daunting task.  

I have never spent a week at a camp, much less a camp for people with special needs, and the experience was life-changing. Seeing my friends so full of joy at camp was a living example of 1 Thessalonians 5:18. It says, “Give thanks in all circumstances for that is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  The campers exhibited an abundance of positivity and joyfulness regardless of their challenging circumstances. I gained confidence as a leader, and I learned the importance of serving others. Capernaum has been a big part of my life, and I hope it will be for many years. With the Christian attributes Coram Deo has equipped me with, I can bring glory to God by loving these very special young adults.
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