Coram Deo Has Been A Blessing To My Life

Michael Perrone - CDA Flower Mound
"With this great gift comes a great responsibility. God has given us at Coram Deo an immense opportunity to carry out His plan for us. It is our job to properly use the tools he has given us in this great working environment. But what does that mean? Although we often fall short, we must do everything with God in mind and for His glory. One of the best examples of this at CDA is how Mrs. Bowen leads the band. She always reminds us that we are playing our music to glorify God. Whether we are winning awards, putting on concerts, or having fun playing music, she reminds us that glorifying Him is the emphasis."

Coram Deo has always been the kind of school that encourages its students to do as much as they can. Some schools may prefer their football players not be in drama simply because of scheduling issues, but CDA has always been accommodating to give its students the best high school experience possible. Because I have attended CDA since first grade, I have truly been blessed by the many academic and extra-curricular activities available to me including band, choir, drama, and football. However, CDA does not hold its place in my heart simply because of the many courses and activities offered. There is more to this school than just that.  

            It is easy to overlook opportunities and privileges when they are handed to you on a silver platter. We often forget to thank the God, the giver of all things. Taking God for granted is common. As we wake up and go about our day, we constantly come across reasons to thank God. Over the years, I may have taken for granted attending CDA. One thing in my life that I overlook the most, when it deserves the utmost of thanks, is my school. I have recently realized that the opportunity to attend CDA is a true blessing. In a world where teachers are fired for speaking just briefly of God and Christianity, CDA has become more than just a school, but a place of nurturing and spiritual growth. It is hard to imagine what my life would be like without the benefit of the CDA environment for the last twelve years. Mornings devotions, prayers, mentor lunches, and Friday chapels are all examples of ways that the people around me at CDA remind me of God’s love and grace in our day-today lives. The fact that God has brought a community of his people together in a world otherwise against Him is beautiful to me.   

            With this great gift comes a great responsibility. God has given us at Coram Deo an immense opportunity to carry out His plan for us. It is our job to properly use the tools he has given us in this great working environment. But what does that mean? Although we often fall short, we must do everything with God in mind and for His glory. One of the best examples of this at CDA is how Mrs. Bowen leads the band. She always reminds us that we are playing our music to glorify God. Whether we are winning awards, putting on concerts, or having fun playing music, she reminds us that glorifying Him is the emphasis. This is a common theme I have experienced in football, drama, and choir.  This has been the most important lesson I have learned at CDA.    

            The gospels tell of the poor woman who gave only two coins to the church yet gave much more than the abundant riches of the wealthy. In a way, we at CDA are the wealthy, and it is our job to give the Lord everything we have in everything we do. Year in and year out, the teachers at CDA bring that out in us.
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