Jesse Leon: Eagle Scout

Jesse Leon has been in Boy Scouts, since the age of seven. At the age of 16 he has finally reach the rank of Eagle Scout.
At the age of 16, Jesse Leon has joined a select few in achieving the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. To enter this group Leon had to first achieve the rank of Life Scout and earn a minimum of 21 merit badges. Leon also had to exemplify Scout Spirit, while demonstrating leadership within their troop.
This journey began at the age of seven when he joined the cub scouts at the tiger level. Leon enjoys many of the activities offered in the Boy Scouts such as camping, climbing, hiking, and swimming. His most memorable experience in the scouts is a 60 mile hike at the Philmont Scout Ranch which took place over nine days.
To achieve the Eagle Scout rank he had to create, lead, and execute a Eagle Scout project. Leon spent numerous hours helping to create an 87-foot granite pathway for, Freedom House, a ministry that helps men and women overcome addictions. Leon built a pathway that now connects the main building and ministry building, which he coined “Pathway to Heaven”.
When asked about his biggest takeaway from the Scouts, Leon believes that he has learned how to lead and skills, that will help him in the future. “The scouts have helped me become a better leader.” Leon said. “The oath helps lay out characteristics I’d like to see in myself and makes me strive to help others.” Though he has now reached the highest point in the scouts Leon states that he plans to continue to be active as much as he can. He currently participates in soccer at the Flower Mound campus as well as the CDA Robotics team. Thank you for sharing your story, Jesse!


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