CDA Dallas Capstone in Christian Wisdom

Katie Beth Pelley
On Wednesday, CDA Dallas Class of 2025 Juniors presented their Capstone in Christian Wisdom. The Capstone project and course demanded that they read, think, and write wisely. 
Rhetoric School Principal, Mr. Tommy McCrory, shared that the capstone presentation culminates a CDA student’s learning and draws upon their education throughout their time in a Classical Christian school. He emphasized that the full understanding of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric “is beautifully on display through this evening.”  
Describing the project, Mr. McCrory said, “The students spend all year researching a topic of interest and writing a paper that reflects their learning from the course. Delivering upon their findings through a Capstone presentation allows students to demonstrate their depth of understanding and learning.” He added that an opportunity like the Capstone project, “encapsulates the purpose of what we are working to accomplish in a Classical school.”  
Junior Meghan Lakey has chosen a topic that focuses on the personhood of neurodivergent people and how they should be treated by neurotypical individuals. Lakey explains that her topic stems from growing up surrounded by people with disabilities. “The idea of people treating them as less than always seemed strange,” Lakey said. “As I've grown older, I've come to realize that the equitable treatment of every human being is vital to the call of Christians to "make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).” 
With the assistance of her advisor Mrs. Waldrum, Lakey narrowed down her topic to specifically focus on neurodivergent people.  
Junior, Anna Cating’s topic is about instant gratification. She explores how the impulsivity of our culture today impacts Christians. As Anna was thinking through topic options she noticed, “how so many things are immediately available and how many people struggle to have patience.” She describes her experience going through the Capstone process, “I experienced the value of having many varying perspectives and thoughts from different people. I learned how to take something that I believed in and communicate it in a persuasive and compelling way that was interesting for my audience!”  
Great work, Juniors, for all the research, time, and dedication in accomplishing your Capstone in Christian Wisdom!  


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