Habit #3: Nurturing Play

CDA Curriculum Department
At CDA, we are Christ-centered, classical, and collaborative. As such, we believe that the culture of your home plays an important role in the learning of our students. The curriculum department has developed this series to support families in shaping the culture of your home to grow ethical servant leaders and wise thinkers for the glory of God. 

Watch Video: Habit #3 Nurturing Play

There is only one reason why all grown-up people do not play with toys; and it is a fair reason. The reason is that playing with toys takes so very much more time and trouble than anything else. Playing as children mean playing is the most serious thing in the world; and as soon as we have small duties or small sorrows we have to abandon to some extent so enormous and ambitious a plan of life. We have enough strength for politics and commerce and art and philosophy; we have not enough strength for play. This is a truth which every one will recognize who, as a child, has ever played with anything at all; any one who has played with bricks, any one who has played with dolls, any one who has played with tin soldiers. My journalistic work, which earns money, is not pursued with such awful persistency as that work which earned nothing.


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